I have been asked many times whether the We R Memory Keepers Trim-and-Score Board Refill Blades we have on the shop would fit the trimmers they have at home. Apparently, a lot of people have bought the wrong blade and they can’t be blamed because the packaging does not provide any indication about which blade fits which. With online shopping, we just buy and cross our fingers that we don’t get the surprise of our lives once we open the pack.
So far I have seen two We R Memory Keepers Trim-and-Score Refill Blades, these ones seen below:

Obviously, the difference lies in the placement of the blades but the top handle appears almost identical.
I emailed American Crafts to clarify this confusion and this is what their representative replied to my query:
“Thank you for reaching out to us. The ones with the blade down the middle (item number 71338 or 71338-8) are compatible with the older version of the trim and score board. Item # 660271 is compatible with the newer version and the works all in one punch board.”
There. Are we clear?
NOPE. At least not for me 🙂
So which is blade No. 71338 or 71338-8? And which is blade No. 660271?
I checked the We R Memory Keepers Website (by now I felt like a sleuth on for a mission haha) and only found this blade for sale:

See that blue highlighted portion on the bottom right? That is the SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)/ Product code for that particular blade and it says 660271.
For the other blade I found this on Amazon:

Title of the product states the code number!
Now we got the “face” for the codes: The ones with the blade down the middle are Blades 71338 or 71338-8 and are compatible with the older version while the ones with the blades on the side are Blades 660271 and they fit the newer versions of the trim-and score and the Works All-in-One tool.
So which Trim and Score Boards are tagged “older versions” and which are newer ones? I’m pretty sure my green and gray trim-and-score board is an older version. The ones I see often now are white and blue/pink. This is where it gets confusing.

There’s really not much there other than that the SKU in the above picture is closer to the SKU code of Blade 660271. However, If we look closely at the ruler where the blade sits, this one does not have a slit in the middle which is unlike the one in the picture below:

Notice that the SKU for the one with the slit in the ruler is also closer to the SKU of Blade Nos. 71338 or 71338-8.
Okay, together now…Ahhaaaa!
Based on the information we got from American Crafts and after much sleuthing ? , I think that the only way to know is to examine first the trim-and-score ruler—whether it has a slit in the middle or not. If It has a slit, then Blade No. 71338 or 71338-8 (the one with the blade down the middle) would work for you. If the ruler does not have a slit in the middle, then Blade No. 660271 (the one with the blade on the side) should work.
I hope this post made sense and that it helped you in some way.
Keep safe!